Global Warming Deniers and Liars

A right load of bollocks...

Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Trapper John » Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:40 am

I was watching a programme on TV the other night, unrelated to the above topic and heard the head of some silicon valley tech company say "these people are like global warming deniers" and I thought, are there still people who deny global warming?

Of course he was using the term to ridicule and deride people who hold views which differ from his, in this case about his particular business.

This bloke is obviously very clever, at 34 he owns a company valued at $57billion, so he surely knows a bit about the power of words and how they are related to the world, so "global warming deniers" was not just a throw away phrase.

I doubt there are many, if any who still deny global warming exists, the real question and the real phrase though should be 'Man Made Global Warming' which is a whole other can of worms. This is how the sheep of this world are duped by people like him on an every day, global basis, terminology is a powerful weapon when not questioned.

Most people will just laugh at a 'global warming denier' and forget about them, afterall, they are being told they see it on a daily basis from all around the world. Some though might just think about the appendage, 'Man Made' and question it further, a long shot I know but there is a growing unrest about this whole issue.

This guy, like those proponents of man made global warming, will be well versed in the age old capitalist adage 'If there isn't a market for your product, create one' and exactly how to apply it. This guy, like those proponents of global warming have so far been very successful at what they do, their bank balances attest to that.

Research is too strong a word but I have taken some time looking into a large part of the subject and I have to say, not very much of the 'man made global warming' stance stands up to even a modicum of scrutiny.

Once I've got my thoughts together, i'll relate some of my findings in this thread. I don't care if anyone comments or not, I just hope it creates an ember in their minds so they'll read some of it, afterall it's an issue which not only affects this Earth and our children in the future, it is having a direct affect on our daily lives today, and most of that affect now, hits our bank balances and pockets.

Global Warming in general exists, Man Made Global Warming is very far from proven.
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Trapper John » Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:54 am

Just a quick point to start the ball rolling:

If man made global warming is such a dreadful thing and a danger to our planet and it's future generations. If man made global warming is such a threat that we are paying untold trillions into carbon reduction projects, why is it that giant corporations can buy 'carbon credits' from other giant corporations, so that they can 'pollute' and 'endanger' our world with impunity?

A good place to start looking for those answers comes in the the form of another well known phrase which invariably leads to the truth 'Follow the Money'
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Guest » Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:57 am

Trapper John wrote:Just a quick point to start the ball rolling:

If man made global warming is such a dreadful thing and a danger to our planet and it's future generations. If man made global warming is such a threat that we are paying untold trillions into carbon reduction projects, why is it that giant corporations can buy 'carbon credits' from other giant corporations, so that they can 'pollute' and 'endanger' our world with impunity?

A good place to start looking for those answers comes in the the form of another well known phrase which invariably leads to the truth 'Follow the Money'

Yes follow the money.
Nearly, if not, all of the climate change denier sites are funded by oil companies.
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Big Fat Frosty » Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:58 am

the whole greenpeace thing has been taken over by the warmistas
its all carbon this and carbon that
and the sheer tonnage of mercury, pesticides, heavy metals, oil by products, plastics and oestrogen
being pumped into the oceans (food chain) is now largely ignored
the deforestation is ignored completely when its trees that actually eat carbon
so want less carbon chop down less trees grow more forests
(not rocket science is it)
being a parent of an autistic child
ive researched all possible causality
and ive reached this conclusion
the world is the coal mine
and autistic children are the dead canaries
we are poisoning our children and our gene pool
at an ever alarming rate
for corporate profit
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Trapper John » Fri Aug 11, 2017 9:34 am

Guest wrote:
Trapper John wrote:Just a quick point to start the ball rolling:

If man made global warming is such a dreadful thing and a danger to our planet and it's future generations. If man made global warming is such a threat that we are paying untold trillions into carbon reduction projects, why is it that giant corporations can buy 'carbon credits' from other giant corporations, so that they can 'pollute' and 'endanger' our world with impunity?

A good place to start looking for those answers comes in the the form of another well known phrase which invariably leads to the truth 'Follow the Money'

Yes follow the money.
Nearly, if not, all of the climate change denier sites are funded by oil companies.

Which is a bad thing if indeed 'carbon' is the danger and that is not sufficiently proven. Much of the carbon dioxide gas we produce is taken in by plants and hoovered up by the algeas of the great oceans, these in turn convert it into the oxygen we breathe. Want to die of asphyxiation?

The vast majority of carbon dioxide is leeched from the atmosphere and diluted by rainfall and an acid reaction makes it permeate into the rocks where it is trapped harmlessly.

Frosty is quite right, we are targetting the wrong culprit, there are far more deadly and frightening chemicals produced on this planet which are of far more danger to us now and to future generations, but of course draconian action against the production of these is not good for business or impossible to regulate and turn into money - imagine governments trying to tax the amount you fart, you going down the corner shop to buy extra fart credits, after a night on the beer and curry - methane is greenhouse gas.

Carbon in all it's forms is the perfect target, as pretty much everything on the planet is either made out of or produces carbon in some form, it's the golden goose.
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Trapper John » Fri Aug 11, 2017 9:55 am

Big Fat Frosty wrote:the whole greenpeace thing has been taken over by the warmistas
its all carbon this and carbon that
and the sheer tonnage of mercury, pesticides, heavy metals, oil by products, plastics and oestrogen
being pumped into the oceans (food chain) is now largely ignored
the deforestation is ignored completely when its trees that actually eat carbon
so want less carbon chop down less trees grow more forests

(not rocket science is it)
being a parent of an autistic child
ive researched all possible causality
and ive reached this conclusion
the world is the coal mine
and autistic children are the dead canaries
we are poisoning our children and our gene pool
at an ever alarming rate
for corporate profit

Yes certainly stop the chopping down of mature trees and forests. Reforestation though is dabatable if not done for the right reasons.

It's another of the deliberate misrepresentations made by big business - For every tree we chop down, we plant three to replace them
sounds good eh? ..... problem is it takes a tree about 20 years to produce any noticable benefit to the air we breathe, the vast majority are cut down well before then as they are quick growing cash crops and almost useless for the production of oxygen and in some cases produce more carbon dioxide than they take in.

The only trees useful for a balanced eco system are mature, broad leaf trees like the London Plain tree for instance in this country, there are many others across the world which will do the same job. Thing is they are cut down and replaced with useless ones or equally useless ground crops. No company plants Plain trees etc., they make no money.
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Trapper John » Fri Aug 11, 2017 10:59 am

Talking of Silicon Valley tech companies, you know the ones who can create a business out of nothing, create a market where there was none, well I have a name you might not know......yet.

It's a start up company called Hara Software and it's business model is creating software and advising companies how to negoiate the web of laws and regulations in the new 'cap and trade' deal changes being ironed out in America, making it easier for big business to legally poison our planet as long as the pay for the pleasure.

Chief amongst the lobbyists involved in the dealings is none other than a certain Mr Al (an inconvenient truth) Gore, so you would hope his capacity here would be to ensure the world isn't sold down the river.

Well it appears that the major shareholder in the venture capitalist company, wholly financing Hara Software, is the very same Al Gore who is lobbying for the changes.

Now no-one is suggesting that Al Gore is actively promoting more pollution for financial gain, but what they are agreed on is that Al Gore, with this and several other companies his firm are financing in this sector, stand to make $billions if the changes are passed, as the 'Cap & Trade' carbon credits business is estimated will be worth a $trillion by 2020.

I wonder if Mr Gore sees what could be considered 'insider dealings' or the fact that his much publicised film which brought the whole issue of global warming into a wider public domain, is in contradiction to his supposed philanthropic stance?

I mean standing to make an immense fortune from something you had a hand in perpetuating for supposed benevolent reasons, is a bit of an inconvenient truth he no doubt would have preferred hidden, if he had any conscience.

If there is no market for your product, create one & Follow the Money are terms that will constantly spring to mind regarding this subject.
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Text » Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:48 pm

Some policians are hypocrites?
Who knew? LOL.
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Text » Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:53 pm

Trump has packed his team with climate deniers even tho deep down he himself isn't one.

Mind you, with US and NK pointing their macho warheads and baring their teeth, ''global warming'' might suddenly take on a WHOLE new meaning ....... in fact 'global frying' might be more apt. :ooer:
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Trapper John » Sat Aug 12, 2017 9:32 am

Maurice Strong is name you probably do not know, yet Canadian Maurice Strong was one of the illuminati of the UN, specifically charge with global environmental matters. Amongst the positions held in his many decades with the UN he was secretary general of the 1972 UN conference on the environment which led to the green movement, First Director of the UN's environmental program and organiser of the 1992 Rio summit which led to the Kyoto treaty on greenhouse gas emissions.

This man is where it all started, from the fledgling green movements of the 60's and 70's around the world to the current climate change/ global warming dogma we are fed today. This is the man who, in his capacity as UN proclaimed world's leading expert on enviromental and climate change matters, convinced governments and big business of 'man made' global warming and instigated the system of 'carbon credits'

To be fair, neither governments nor big business needed much convincing once they had seen the potential of the all money making schemes they could initiate under the guise of 'saving the world from ourselves' so it was easy for him to get affirmation of his lies at the Rio and then Kyoto summits which led to the draconian environmental measures and taxes we face today.

Unfortunately for Strong, his environmental benevolent credentials were found to be all a sham when he was heavily linked to the UN 'oil for food' corruption scandal and exposed as being an oil billionaire and a director of the Chicago climate exchange which trades in, yes you guessed it, 'Carbon Credits' the system he created.

As with all powerful people, they rarely answer for their crimes, so he was allowed to quit the UN and is now in self imposed exile, where he lives in a lavish hotel suite in Beijing, running his businesses and advising the Chinese government on how to poison the world with UN backing.

Now this might appear to be just a story about a lying, hypocritical ex politician making a fortune for himself in a dubious manner, just as Canary ignorantly suggested with little thought.

The reality is far more important than that, the lies he made up about global warming to gain his fortune, are now written into the laws of every country signed up to the climate change treaties and because of that we are being taxed to the hilt and forced to undergo draconian measures to combat something which does not exist.
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Trapper John » Sat Aug 12, 2017 10:18 am

Though Maurice Strong went into exile, his influence still pervaded every aspect of the man made climate change arena. None more so than back at the UN.

The UN's leading climate scientist Benjamin Santer is often called Maurice Strong's protege or accomplice. Now Ben Santer was charged with initiating the UN's second assessement on climate change and responsible for collating the reports of hundreds of the world's leading climate change scientists into an official UN document.

When the final drafts came in and collated into a draft document it read in 5 separate places that "There is no discernable human effect on global temperature"

Santer then deleted these passages and substituted his own new conclusion in contradiction to those reports, and this is the conclusion the UN and the world has gone with ever since.

Santer has been confronted about these claims on several occasions but as you might have expected otherwise, did not deny them. He says that he had to edit what would have been a far too lengthy report, when asked specifically about these paragraphs denying man made affect on global warming, he says he can't remember exactly the content of parts of the report he amended.

Santer can't lie because he knows that out there someone has that original unaltered report, hopefully someday soon it will get an airing but of course that will depend on who has got it.

The entire 'man made global climate change' gravy train is nothing but a complete sham based on complete lies, lies which have allowed individuals, big companies and governments to reap in huge revenues at our expense all on the lie that man is responsible for global climate change.
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Guest » Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:37 am

Trapper John wrote:Though Maurice Strong went into exile, his influence still pervaded every aspect of the man made climate change arena. None more so than back at the UN.

The UN's leading climate scientist Benjamin Santer is often called Maurice Strong's protege or accomplice. Now Ben Santer was charged with initiating the UN's second assessement on climate change and responsible for collating the reports of hundreds of the world's leading climate change scientists into an official UN document.

When the final drafts came in and collated into a draft document it read in 5 separate places that "There is no discernable human effect on global temperature"

Santer then deleted these passages and substituted his own new conclusion in contradiction to those reports, and this is the conclusion the UN and the world has gone with ever since.

Santer has been confronted about these claims on several occasions but as you might have expected otherwise, did not deny them. He says that he had to edit what would have been a far too lengthy report, when asked specifically about these paragraphs denying man made affect on global warming, he says he can't remember exactly the content of parts of the report he amended.

Santer can't lie because he knows that out there someone has that original unaltered report, hopefully someday soon it will get an airing but of course that will depend on who has got it.

The entire 'man made global climate change' gravy train is nothing but a complete sham based on complete lies, lies which have allowed individuals, big companies and governments to reap in huge revenues at our expense all on the lie that man is responsible for global climate change.

more made up rubbish

O look another football pitch of trees has been logged
but this is nothing to do with man.
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Trapper John » Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:04 am

Guest wrote:
Trapper John wrote:Though Maurice Strong went into exile, his influence still pervaded every aspect of the man made climate change arena. None more so than back at the UN.

The UN's leading climate scientist Benjamin Santer is often called Maurice Strong's protege or accomplice. Now Ben Santer was charged with initiating the UN's second assessement on climate change and responsible for collating the reports of hundreds of the world's leading climate change scientists into an official UN document.

When the final drafts came in and collated into a draft document it read in 5 separate places that "There is no discernable human effect on global temperature"

Santer then deleted these passages and substituted his own new conclusion in contradiction to those reports, and this is the conclusion the UN and the world has gone with ever since.

Santer has been confronted about these claims on several occasions but as you might have expected otherwise, did not deny them. He says that he had to edit what would have been a far too lengthy report, when asked specifically about these paragraphs denying man made affect on global warming, he says he can't remember exactly the content of parts of the report he amended.

Santer can't lie because he knows that out there someone has that original unaltered report, hopefully someday soon it will get an airing but of course that will depend on who has got it.

The entire 'man made global climate change' gravy train is nothing but a complete sham based on complete lies, lies which have allowed individuals, big companies and governments to reap in huge revenues at our expense all on the lie that man is responsible for global climate change.

more made up rubbish

O look another football pitch of trees has been logged
but this is nothing to do with man.

O look, another ignoramus commenting on something he clearly knows nothing about. :gigglesnshit:

To elaborate, trees don't reduce global temperature. :roll:
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Trapper John » Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:03 am

The reason the anti 'man made global warming' critics are quiet, or at least rarely rock the boat, is because they fear for their livlihoods and in some cases even their lives. Which isn't surprising when you consider that the whole 'man made global warming' gravy train has generated several $trillion so far and stands to generate a whole lot more.

Some climate scientists, several of whom contributed to the UN second assessment of climate change report and stated there is negligable human effect on global temperatures, found their funding withdrawn, that they became shunned by their peers and in some cases had the lives of themselves and their families threatened.

Essentially, if you rock the boat, you are history.

A leading climate scientist who complained that his findings were removed from the UN report, suffered immeasurably for his views. He lost funding then his job, his home, his friends and almost his family, such was the ferocity of retaliation for speaking out against the lies.

He will now only give interviews with his person and voice obscured, but can be vouched for by the investagative journalists and international news agencies that have been lucky to get an interview.

This professor and climatologist has been at the top of his field since the 1970's and was charged with investigating 'Global Cooling' when it was feared we could suffer another ice age.

He says that humanity has little or no effect on the global climate and further more, neither do 'man made Co2 emissions' He says that there is only one thing that can and does change the climate on Earth and it's the SUN, something we can do nothing about.

Asked why he thinks he has been ostracised because of his views? he says he can only think that it is because many people, often big and powerful people and organisations, have, do and stand to make huge fortunes based on the lie of man made global warming.

If you are a climatologist and your findings threaten that and you go public, you will suffer the consequences, just as he did.
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Re: Global Warming Deniers and Liars

Postby Vam » Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:56 am

I've never really subscribed to the man-made climate change/global warming theories.

Barring nuclear war breaking out, any cataclysmic changes to this planet of ours would be cyclical, rather than man-made, and there have been cyclical changes to the planet since the beginning of time.

Kind of like Nature's reset button, I guess. JMO... :dunno:
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