Queens speech (London protests planned)

A right load of bollocks...

Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby Guest » Tue May 26, 2015 5:32 pm

Thousands of anti-Tory protesters are planning a march through Westminster to fight the 'oppressive, draconian' Queen's Speech.

While MPs debate austerity, strike bans and axing the Human Rights Act in the Commons tomorrow, demonstrators will be right outside.

Furious protesters have been sharing the event on Facebook with slogans including: "Five more years of this s***? No f***ing way.

The string of anti-cuts groups attending include The People's Assembly, Class War and the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCFC).

People's Assembly national secretary Sam Fairbairn said: "We've suffered austerity for too long.

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/qu ... an-5766227

:canny: Let's hope it's a very lively one!
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby in it together » Tue May 26, 2015 6:17 pm

trying to bin the human rights bill tells you what these cunts are all about... undermining the ethos of what human rights is all about..and making the chosen few more entitled than the rest of us..anybody that voted these abhorrent fuckwits in,wants their fucking bumps felt... :shake head:

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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby Creamola Foam » Wed May 27, 2015 7:15 am

nobody likes austerity measures


only an idiot would think we dont need them. Look at greece and italy

IF they dont want tory rule maybe they should have all voted for the same party
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby Avon Barksdale » Wed May 27, 2015 10:10 am

Creamola Foam wrote:nobody likes austerity measures


only an idiot would think we dont need them. Look at greece and italy

IF they dont want tory rule maybe they should have all voted for the same party

We don't need them. Clamping down on tax avoidance and making corporations pay a fair amount of tax would achieve the same end.

It's a swindle to allow Tory ideologues to dismantle the welfare state and it is a transparent ploy.
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby LordRaven » Wed May 27, 2015 11:44 am

Avon Barksdale wrote:
Creamola Foam wrote:nobody likes austerity measures


only an idiot would think we dont need them. Look at greece and italy

IF they dont want tory rule maybe they should have all voted for the same party

We don't need them. Clamping down on tax avoidance and making corporations pay a fair amount of tax would achieve the same end.

It's a swindle to allow Tory ideologues to dismantle the welfare state and it is a transparent ploy.

The problem we discussed the other day again Avon, going all Draconian on big business will see them avoid even more desired tax---because they'll up sticks and go abroad! As is proven by a list of people/companies who have already done so---to more favourable tax-friendly shores.
It is a bit of a balancing act and the HAVES have us all by the balls and I can't see government--no matter what party--being able to do much about it tbh
Labour had 13 years and did fuck all about it so why the lefties blame the First Tory Government since 96, in its first weeks in power, for all this is beyond me?
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby Trapper John » Wed May 27, 2015 12:10 pm

I think the dramatics over scrapping the EHRA is a tad over the top - It's my understanding that it will be replaced with a British Human Rights Act - one that is more geared to our definition of human rights and not those of European federalists.

If it rids us of the shite which has gravitated here in the past two decades, then I'm all for it - I mean why would any sane British person want foreign rapists, murderers, violent criminals and countless thieves walking our streets just because they managed to bash out a few kids with some thick, low life British woman?

And if anyone is under the illusion that the NHS hasn't been under continuous dismantlement for the past 30+ years, regardless of what party was in power, they need a reality check.
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby LordRaven » Wed May 27, 2015 12:36 pm

Trapper John wrote:I think the dramatics over scrapping the EHRA is a tad over the top - It's my understanding that it will be replaced with a British Human Rights Act - one that is more geared to our definition of human rights and not those of European federalists.

If it rids us of the shite which has gravitated here in the past two decades, then I'm all for it - I mean why would any sane British person want foreign rapists, murderers, violent criminals and countless thieves walking our streets just because they managed to bash out a few kids with some thick, low life British woman?

And if anyone is under the illusion that the NHS hasn't been under continuous dismantlement for the past 30+ years, regardless of what party was in power, they need a reality check.

Good post! :thumbsup:

You forgot failed asylum seekers being told to say they are gay to escape deportation etc...

I don't think so much it's the HRA per se but more so the ambulance chasers interpretation of it--which the bloody EU courts always seem to agree with much to the chagrin of our highest courts.

We are in effect denied the right to rid ourselves of terrorists, murderers, rapists etc etc etc

That needs to change because it is a big "Fuck you!" to victims families
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby sleepysam » Wed May 27, 2015 12:53 pm

uh oh.. the UK needs to stick with the EU.. it is nothing without it. first the tories took away all our nationalised industry and sold them to european countries, and now they want to take us out of the eu! cheers! - what exactly are they trying to do????
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby sleepysam » Wed May 27, 2015 12:58 pm

all this britain is great nationalism needs to stop, we don't produce anything nor do we have any real resources. we don't lead any industries except perhaps finance in london, which isn't doing much for the REST of the country and is not the kind of industry you want when the economy does down. we're lucky to be a part of the eu and we're NOT better than it. it's a progressive, modern organisation with a strong committment to human rights. we still have a monarchy! how embarrassing! it's barbaric.
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby LordRaven » Wed May 27, 2015 1:06 pm

sleepysam wrote:uh oh.. the UK needs to stick with the EU.. it is nothing without it. first the tories took away all our nationalised industry and sold them to european countries, and now they want to take us out of the eu! cheers! - what exactly are they trying to do????

You need to read up on the root causes and as to why Harold Wilson started the closing down of British Industry before making such innacurate posts...

Hard luck story

We all know the easy British explanation for our cumulative export defeat in world markets from the 1950s onwards, especially at the hands of the Germans. This story tells us that lucky West Germany had all her industries and infrastructure bombed flat or removed as reparations, and then was able to re-equip herself from scratch with Marshall Aid dollars. Meanwhile, so this hard-luck story goes on, poor old Britain had to struggle on with worn-out and old-fashioned kit.

Britain actually received more than a third more Marshall Aid than West Germany ...

This is utter myth. Britain actually received more than a third more Marshall Aid than West Germany - $2.7 billion as against $1.7 billion. She in fact pocketed the largest share of any European nation. The truth is that the post-war Labour Government, advised by its resident economic pundits, freely chose not to make industrial modernisation the central theme in her use of Marshall Aid.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/mo ... l_01.shtml

Had Labour only backed and modernised British Industry by taking a long term view to create jobs wealth and prosperity???
Our War Time economy showed what great inventors and manuafacturers this country porduced.
If only the post war Labour government had not turned its back on industry whilst West Germany and France poured money into modernisation.
Within a decade our obsolete factories were turning out obsolete unexportable goods and over the course of the next two it was obvious we could not compete.
We churned out overly expensive, unexportable crap and that meant we were doomed.

Now compare that today when the Japanese have poured £Billions into MODERN car making Factories here--we now export more cars than Germany.
Proof, were it ever needed, there was never anything wrong with the workforce, just a failure by post war Labour government.
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby Avon Barksdale » Wed May 27, 2015 1:39 pm

LordRaven wrote:
Avon Barksdale wrote:
Creamola Foam wrote:nobody likes austerity measures


only an idiot would think we dont need them. Look at greece and italy

IF they dont want tory rule maybe they should have all voted for the same party

We don't need them. Clamping down on tax avoidance and making corporations pay a fair amount of tax would achieve the same end.

It's a swindle to allow Tory ideologues to dismantle the welfare state and it is a transparent ploy.

The problem we discussed the other day again Avon, going all Draconian on big business will see them avoid even more desired tax---because they'll up sticks and go abroad! As is proven by a list of people/companies who have already done so---to more favourable tax-friendly shores.
It is a bit of a balancing act and the HAVES have us all by the balls and I can't see government--no matter what party--being able to do much about it tbh
Labour had 13 years and did fuck all about it so why the lefties blame the First Tory Government since 96, in its first weeks in power, for all this is beyond me?

Sure, and I agree it is a balancing act and challenging corporate power will be undoubtedly difficult. I also agree that corporate power has been left unchecked for far too long by successive governments, both Tory and New labour, as they have been bewitched by the neo-liberal consensus.

However, the time to challenge is not years from today but right now. If corporations or the super rich do not wish to actively contribute to society yet have no difficulty in using society when it suits them then in the long term we are better off without them. We will not crumble, we will not fall if they go. We have the intellect, the skills and the people to ride through the short term pain (which under austerity measures will happen anyway) to a better future where we are not beholden to big business, where we are held to ransom by threats of their departure.

On another subject it looks like Dave & Co have put their plans to try and repeal the HRA distinctly on the shelf and even the promised Bill of Rights has been consigned to a vague wish now given the contents of the Queens Speech. Hands up anyone who is surprised? What, no one? The current crop of Conservatives don't care about the working class or middle class and I doubt they ever will.
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby measurer » Wed May 27, 2015 6:07 pm

Do a Greece, what's the worst that can happen?
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby Creamola Foam » Thu May 28, 2015 1:15 pm

measurer wrote:Do a Greece, what's the worst that can happen?

people will never let you forget it, they will overlook your classics like pulp fiction and face off
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby rollup » Thu May 28, 2015 1:41 pm

We actually still are a manufacturing nation to a degree and an exporting one which is quite surprising when you do a little research.
The austerity stuff is not needed.
It's a con.
Greece ... why is Greece being mentioned?
Greece went straight for the severest austerity imaginable and people are going hungry many people have no medicine.
All this debt is a fucking magic trick as well.
A 128 countries ... left wing right wing centre and so on have been hit by this banking scam/crime so like the ex bank of England boss Mervyn King said ... it has nothing to do with politics pensions benefits etc and everything to do with banking finance investments and globalisation.
The money that was loaned out didn't exist till someone wanted to borrow it.
You ask for a hundred grand it is magicked up out of thin air ... it doesn't come from existing money.
It's destroyed a little later and goes back to not existing but the interest on this magicians magic hat money remains payable.
So nothing tangible was loaned out in the first place.
This three minute video gives a glimpse of the ridiculousness of the situation.
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Re: Queens speech (London protests planned)

Postby Guest » Thu May 28, 2015 1:44 pm

rollup wrote:We actually still are a manufacturing nation to a degree and an exporting one which is quite surprising when you do a little research.
The austerity stuff is not needed.
It's a con.
Greece ... why is Greece being mentioned?
Greece went straight for the severest austerity imaginable and people are going hungry many people have no medicine.
All this debt is a fucking magic trick as well.
A 128 countries ... left wing right wing centre and so on have been hit by this banking scam/crime so like the ex bank of England boss Mervyn King said ... it has nothing to do with politics pensions benefits etc and everything to do with banking finance investments and globalisation.
The money that was loaned out didn't exist till someone wanted to borrow it.
You ask for a hundred grand it is magicked up out of thin air ... it doesn't come from existing money.
It's destroyed a little later and goes back to not existing but the interest on this magicians magic hat money remains payable.
So nothing tangible was loaned out in the first place.
This three minute video gives a glimpse of the ridiculousness of the situation.

It is 170 countries not 128. Even Angola suffered etc
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